Dr. Bryan Nichols
Dr. Bryan Nichols of Bryan Nichols and Associates Psychological Services, Inc., is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a practice located in West Los Angeles. His practice focuses on work with teens, family relationships, marital issues, and work stress. He also has unique expertise in working with youth athletes, with whom he has blended the performance enhancement techniques of sports psychology with more general counseling and psychotherapy techniques. He has also worked extensively with adoption and cultural identity issues.
Dr. Nichols’ clinical training is in psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, parenting, and anger management. He has integrated recent developments in Positive Psychology to develop an approach that not only addresses life problems, but also promotes personal fulfillment and happiness.
Dr. Nichols is a certified trainer, and trainer of trainers in the Effective Black Parenting Program. He has also conducted numerous groups and trainings in anger management utilizing elements of the “Dealing with Anger” program that was designed for African American teens.
Dr. Bryan Nichols received his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from UCLA and undergraduate training in psychology from Howard University in Washington D.C.
Dr. Bryan Nichols and Associates Psychological Services, Inc.
10700 Santa Monica Boulevard, Suite 315
Los Angeles, California 90025